Thursday, October 22, 2015

Class #20 - Jigsaw Discussion Preparation

Circle Check In: Highs & Lows
“Empty your cup so that it may be filled." - Bruce Lee

Do Now → Where are you at in your Malawian Famine Research? Write your name on a post-it note and stick it on the board.
  1. I’m still reading the sources and taking notes in my note catcher.
  2. I’m working on my Keynote presentation for the jigsaw discussion.
  3. My Keynote is complete. I’m ready for the jigsaw discussion.

LT: I can identify and explain the major factors (political, economic, geographic and social/health) that contributed to the Malawian famine of the early 2000s.

LT: I can draw evidence from informational text.
LT: Support claims with evidence.

Step 1 - Reading & Notes
Step 2 - Keynote
Step 3 - Keynote Complete?
Read the sources posted in Class #18. As you find evidence that answers or relates to your questions, copy and paste it into your note catcher. Make sure to cite your source - Title of article.
Review your note catcher. Did you find information to answer your questions? Which information is the most relevant?

Create a simple and tasteful Keynote that helps communicate the evidence that you’ve found in your research. Each piece of evidence should be one slide. You may include images to illustrate the information.
Exceed the target! Read or reread Ch. 5 (p. 69-98) of The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind. Draw evidence from the text that answers your research questions. Include this information in your note catcher. This will make the jigsaw discussion even more interesting!

Class #19 - Research & Preparation for Jigsaw Discussion

DO NOW - No DO NOW today!

Today, by the end of class, each student should have a simple Keynote presentation that communicates the major ideas in their research. Ideas are the most important aspect of this presentation. Design and photos are secondary. Example:
Jigsaw Presentation Model.001.jpg

HOMEWORK: Is your note catcher incomplete? Is your Keynote Presentation incomplete? Get it finished by the next class for our jigsaw discussions. Your classmates are counting on you to present your piece of the puzzle :-)

Class #18 - Malawian Famine Research

DO NOW #10 > Match the categories with the examples. The examples are mixed up randomly.
  • Production and sale of crops
  • Diseases and illnesses
  • Changes in long-term weather (climate)
  • Decisions made by government officials
Physical Geography
Social & Health Issues

Collaborative Research Mini-Project
This week our class will be exploring the Malawian Famine of the early 2000s. Our learning target is:
I can identify and explain the major factors (political, economic, geographic and social/health) that contributed to the Malawian famine of the early 2000s.

Today, we will be splitting into 4 research groups. Each group will be responsible for researching and sharing information about one topic that led to the famine. During class #20, students will split into mixed groups and compare their information in a discussion. Students will create a short Keynote presentation to present their information to the jigsaw group. We’ll all be putting on our teacher caps as we help our classmates learn about the factors that led to the famine.

  1. Essential question: How did the politics, economy, physical geography/climate, and social and health issues of Malawi contribute to the famine of 2002?
  2. Students split into groups of 4-5.
  3. Students brainstorm research questions (poster paper in center of table) > Students should use format below

Research Question Brainstorm
What is your Topic? (Politics, Economy, Physical Geography or Social/Health Issues)
Research Question
What questions can we formulate around this topic?
How did ____________(your topic) influence the famine in Malawi?
Evidence from sources to support the question. What did I see or read that lead me to this question?

  1. After brainstorming questions for 15-20 mins → Which questions are the most worthy of exploring? Pick three and circle them.
  2. Students provided with sources (links posted below and on blog)
  3. In partners, they read the sources aloud and begin taking notes (note catcher).
  4. Conclusion (last 5 minutes): Debrief → Students form a standing circle in the class and respond to the questions: What’s working well? What are we struggling with?

Research Sources <Folder Link to Docs>

Political Factors Group

Economic Factors Group

Class #17: Malawi Socratic Seminar

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Class #16 - Anchoring Our Inferences in Text-Based Evidence

LT: I can connect my observations and inferences to evidence from text.

Socratic Seminar Preparation
  1. Read article(s) about Malawi.
or this link here:
  1. Select and rewrite evidence from the text that connects to our inferences.
  2. Complete graphic organizer in Pages - Culture, Physical Geography and Government

Physical Geography
How does this connect to my observations and inferences?
How does this connect to my observations and inferences?
How does this connect to my observations and inferences?

Exit Ticket:
What questions do you have about Malawi’s government, culture or physical geography?

Monday, October 19, 2015

Class #15 - Intro to Malawi Pt. 2

LT: I can make observations and inferences about the culture, physical geography and government of Malawi.

What observations can you make about Malawi (examine the map below)? What inferences can you make?

Gallery Walk & Inferences
  1. Students continue observations > Look at artifacts in this folder:
  2. Once you've written observations for each artifact, write down your inferences on the back side of the note catcher.
  3. Please turn in this note catcher to Mr. Shaddox when you're done.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Class #13: Personal History Boxes Conclusion + Extensions

Today's Agenda

  1. Pass back "Artifact Assessment #1"
  2. Finalize personal history boxes
  3. Finish self-assessment
  4. Print a final copy of your artifact descriptions to turn in. Make sure to include - Name, Date, Class and a Heading (Artifact Description Final Draft).
  5. Staple self-assessment, final draft of artifact description, peer critique and first draft of artifact description.
  6. Place in HW basket. 
  7. Early Finishers: Tap Quiz Maps